Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Cleaning Services

Individuals must take every precaution to prevent any type of fire inside their homes. One potential source of fire that is often overlooked is the dryer vent. Over time, lint collects in the dryer vent and can catch on fire due to the heat of the dryer while it’s running. To keep from having a dryer fire, individuals should contact an experienced company for professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Near Me Sacramento CA. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about this important service that can prevent a fire from occurring.

What are some signs that indicate an individual should have their dryer vent cleaned?

Several signs can alert an individual their dryer vent is full of lint. Individuals should examine the area behind the dryer and look for piles of lint. They should also look at the inside of the dryer door for excessive lint residue. Another sign is the absence of lint on the dryer’s lint screen. When individuals notice that it takes a longer time than normal for the clothes to dry or if the clothes feel especially hot after drying, they most likely have a buildup of lint in the dryer vent.

Besides the safety factor, are there other benefits of having the dryer vent cleaned by a professional?

After having their dryer vent cleaned by a professional, homeowners will notice that it doesn’t take as long for the dryer to dry their clothes. With a more efficient dryer, an individual’s utility bills are lowered. Regular vent cleaning increases the lifespan of a dryer, which also saves money on future appliance purchases.

What can individuals expect when a professional cleans their dryer vent?

After an inspection, the technician will remove all the lint from the vent and the dryer hose. If necessary, the technician will make any needed repairs to the vent, or if the vent is old, the technician will replace it with a new one. After Dryer Vent Cleaning from a professional, homeowners won’t have to worry about their dryer catching on fire.

Don’t take the chance of having a dryer vent fire, contact ACD Team Solutions for professional dryer vent inspection and cleaning.

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